Dr. Subramaniam Swami Telling The Ugly Truth of Soniya & Rahul Gandhi (Must Watch)

Dr. Subramaniam Swami who has been a Prof. in IIT Delhi, Harvard & a successful parliamentarian can not be ignored. The country must investigate about these allegations, Do these (Pseudo) Gandhies deserve the treatment Indians give them. I certainly have my doubts. Why can't there be somebody other then gandhies a congress leader. How long this sycophancy prevail.

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Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Madam,
Game over for the Nehru megalomaniac dynasty. Nehru dynasty has produced failures like Jawaharlal, Indira and Rajiv and they have behaved like pigs. No chance for Rahul, Sonia and Priyanka now. Nehru’s dynasty stole Mahatma Gandhi’s surname for fame. This is an identity theft and fraud. Why are Mahatma Gandhi’s and Subhash Chandra Bose’s relatives not interfering with Indian politics? They are not pigs and have self respect. An Italian ex-waitress controlling the levers of power in India is a disgrace to India’s intellectuals. Even a fool/donkey/thief can become India's Prime Minister as long as he has Gandhi or Nehru as his surname. People should take high positions based on merit and not based on one’s family background. From now on there should be a law saying that no prime minister should serve more than five years (and a second term in office as prime minister is barred) so that every family has a chance make his son or daughter prime minister and to stop corruption. From now on there should be a law that a person is automatically barred from becoming a prime minister (or chief minister of a state) if his parent, grandparent, great grandparent or great great grandparent was a prime minister (or chief minister of a state). India's pace of progress is at a slow/donkey's pace compared to China, Taiwan, S Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Russia, etc. If you employ a donkey as prime minister, his work is that of a donkey. If you employ a horse as a prime minister, his work is that of a horse. As a fact China has progressed faster under Capitalism than India. The Nehru dynasty is culpable for this as it has ruled India for most of the post independence period. Just like Mid East dictators wanted their children to succeed like Gaddafi, Mubarak, Assad, etc, the Nehru family shows the same hallmarks. Ask Rahul Gandhi how many billion dollars his family has in foreign banks. Some of the Mid-East leaders looted/plundered their nations and to keep it in their family for their children to succeed. The theft money belongs to the people and the banks should hand over the money back to the victim nations.
Kind regards.

Anonymous said...

Those who think and write the name of Rajiv's children as Rahul and Priyanka are either ignorant, or part of ugly blind dynasty followers, because both of them were born to Saniyo Maino in Italy, were baptized christians and named Biyanka and Raul. The whole dynasty had a ugly history of liars, womanizers, pimps and anti-national, anti-hindu, corrupt, immoral people.

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